Well I was out on Saturday, and I managed to get some more work done, mostly CLEANING, and I did put the name on the boat.
Hard to see from the pic, but it is in plaid.
Anyway, this baby is paid for and sitting about 190km away from the marina. We could have had it moved last fall in October, but we had the offer of storage, and transportation in the SPRING! (not June) but that did not work out.
The property the boat sits on, and the person I bought it from are the same, but that person went to florida for the winter, I found this out, after we decided to leave it there, and only one week before he left. I did not get the paper work, so the boat has not been transfered into my name, we cant get insurace, cant put it in the slip, until all that is done, OH and it has been transfered to Lakefront Promanade marina in Mississauga.
Wish me luck, because I need it, this sucks.