Some examples of the Handrail mounts - these are all from the Port side of the boat - the Starboard side faired much better. I have cleaned these and used Polyester Resin with gelcoat white colouring to rebuild them. This might have been an area to start using Epoxy, because it would add significant strength, but I did not at this point. I have also used the Poly Resin in several other areas of chips and nicks around the boat, I have to say.. it is setting very nice, and I have been happy with the results so far.

These are how the supports look now.. you see that on a coule the raw glass is showing through.. that is because I had to LEVEL the supports so that the hand rail will sit flat on it when screwed down. I will also be covering these with bedding calk before the final screw down, so that I dont get moisture and also fill in some of the unevenness in height from mount to mount especially on the Port Side. AKA it should fill the tiny bit of gap I might have on one support.