At this time, all circuits function and the boat is pretty simple and clean. Several issues exsist though.
(This is low on the priority list - put off till spring)
1. Glass fuses hidden behind the stairs boat. I want to move the wiring out so that I am able to access fuses and to be easily be able to add or remove items. All I have at the moment is the original switch panel. So I want a proper panel and associated controls and accessories.
2.VHF is in a poor spot, it is also very old, but working. Thinking to replace for some of these spiffy $99 units out there.
3. AC circit needs to be done, and that is one I am KISSing.. I am not going to use a breaker in the boat. I will never have enough stuff in the G26 AC wise that I need an internal breaker. I will wire a GFI as the first outlet in the boat, and then any others will follow (GFI in a series circuit will protect everything down line from it.)
I will be tackling this in order of #3 the AC first - This will make the circuit safer and allow me to do other work over the winter in the boat.